
November is just a few hours away in my time zone on Earth and it’s my favorite month. Sometimes referred to as the “Month of the Dead” because the Solemnity of All Saints (November 1st) and the Commemoration of the Souls of the Faithful Departed (known also by the shorter name of “All Souls Day” and falling on November 2nd) occur with it; not to mention cultural practices involving dead people by others sharing this globe. It is also a month of devotions for Purgatory.

I just love it. It’s a reminder of our mortality and that we are only here temporarily. Eventually we’ll die and wind up somewhere for Eternity. We are all living “In Exile” here (nice name for a blog. Hmmm.. šŸ™‚ )

It’s also the month my Mom died in 2005. An event that was a tragic part of a series of events alienating me from my blood family. It brought the month into a clear focus for me and spurred me to explore its wonders. It opened up for me the vistas of death and beyond. On death as a passage and the gate through which we pass to our destiny.

Sometimes I yearn for death; not as an escape from Earthly problems but just as a desire to go Home. November helps me to ponder that and be reminded it isn’t time yet (I think) and I have things remaining to do down here.

I just have to do them.



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