Category Archives: Personal

Writing After Darkness Falls

I have noticed that I seem to be more focused on writing after the sun sets. Perhaps it is because I’ve worked second shift in a day job since early 2008, but perhaps not.

Maybe there is just something about when darkness falls that enables me to actually zone in on writing more so than in the daylight. When the sun is shining (or even when it is a rainy, melancholic day like today was) I seem to prefer either reading or going outside to do things.

I suppose I should just roll with it and accept that that is what is.

NOTE: All of the posts in August 2012 on Paul Sofranko Dot Net will be reposts from an earlier attempt at a general writing blog. New material will start appearing in September. These first few days are just “moving in” and “setting up”.

Are you a creative Catholic? ""Building a Civilization of Love: A Call to Creative Catholics," is my new book exhorting Catholics to apply their faith to change the culture for the better!

Know someone who is an alcoholic or addict? "The Sober Catholic Way" helps Catholics by describing the many ways in which their faith can assist in maintaining sobriety, and is a basic handbook on how anyone can live a sober life. . (Thank you!!)